Tuesday 18 September 2012

HSBC Campaign

In our GCSE Media class, we had to use Photoshop to create our own HSBC Campaign picture. Here are the ones I made in lesson today :)

 How could I improve my work?
 I could improve my work by making sure that the pictures within the picture are lined up properly. In the Twitter Bird picture, I couldn't manage to make the pictures inline so it looks slightly 'unprofessional'
 I actually spent quite a while trying to make them inline but it wouldn't :(

 Apart from that small hiccup, I am proud of my work as this is my first time using Photoshop properly ^^


  1. WWW: Two outstanding concepts - I'm seriously impressed! Great choice of both text and image.
    EBI: Always think hard about the text you use - is there a phrase you could use that is shorter than 'time consuming'? Also, you need to get into the habit of writing a lot more in evaluation of your work at GCSE level.
    LR: Think of another word instead of 'time consuming' and comment below...

    1. I've spent a long time thinking about this. The only phrase I can come up with is 'Time Wasting' which is only two characters shorter. I've searched the internet and cannot find a shorter alternative. I'll probably think of something whilst half asleep during the night. I will try and find a better alternative before Wednesday =/
